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PA Document is not generated at billing




I'm testing a sales order with strategy group 20 (standard requirement type KE).


  1. Create a sales order (OR)
  2. Convert the planned order to a production order
  3. Confirm the production order
  4. Settlement
  5. Outbound delivery LF against the sales order
  6. Billing F2


Everything is fine except there is no COPA document posted at billing. I have tried to transferred the amount manually in KE4S but it's saying "this billing is not profit-related". I'm checking KE4R / KE4U etc. but it seems the entries are all fine... not sure where I'm missing something



Re: Multiple rows update in backend.


Hi Amol,



submitBatch is a method of your model like below:

oModel.submitBatch() this you need to write in your view's controller.


Go through below link


JsDoc Report - SAP UI development Toolkit for HTML5 - API Reference - sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel



You need to write this code of making



For making data to send to Service you need to create object you can do this as below :

this aa,bb,cc are the values which you have taken from frontend in View as below:



// Reading values from frontend form as below

var aaVal = sap.ui.getCore().byId("FNM").getValue();

var bbVal = sap.ui.getCore().byId("LNM").getValue();



info1={FNM:aaVal ,LNM:bbVal}



var FULLDATA= [];

// now pushing your data to object to send to Server

    FULLDATA.push( oModel.createBatchOperation("USERINFO", "PUT", info1) );

    FULLDATA.push( oModel.createBatchOperation("USERINFO", "PUT", info2) );


// Above you can use PUT or POST


<HTTP METHOD> we need to use eighter PUT or POST method.


now your data is available in FULLDATA array we just need to send it to Gateway Service.

now we will submit these changes:





oModel.submitBatch(function() {

  sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.alert("Record Updated Successfully!", '', "Success");

}, function() {

  sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.alert("Record Update Error!", '', "Error");





now in DPC_EXT method inside UPDATE_ENTITYSET you need to read this data and just call ABAP Modify statement. I can not recall exact table parameter but every EntitySet method is having Table parameter which contains all these values which you send to gateway from Frontend.





Re: Advice for unique client copy requirement for HANA data


Hi Abe,


I am answering your questions based on some working knowledge and understanding of SLO Tools I have.




TDMS: TDMS should not used to build productive systems and the whole purpose of this product is build test systems and there are different selection criteria's possible to build the test systems. It also offers some predefined content for certain SAP business areas like HR, Manufacturing etc., Yes it primarily uses RFC's to read and write data, the landscape needs to be defined for Sender, Receiver and the Central Systems. Usually the TDMS software is installed on a SAP Solution Manager(Cental System). The tool also have inbuilt scrambling function that can be used to scramble the data.




SAP BODS: This ETL tool can connect to any database using the database connection and perform the Extraction, Transformation and Loading. For Loading to SAP Systems you might need to use any of the SAP loading methods like ALE/IDOCS, BAPI, DI, Function Module etc...

For loading to any database its more like table to table insert/updates using SQL commands. The tool also has lots of inbuilt packages: Ex: Address cleansing.




SAP SLT: It has the benefit of data replication from SAP to SAP, SAP to Non-SAP Systems(Database), Non SAP(Database) to SAP Systems. 

SLT uses ADBC(ABAP Database Connection) to talk to different databases. Performance is not an issue here as the tool can handle volumes and parallelization is an option for data extraction, transformation and load. 

The SLT tool can be used for data replication to different databases using database trigger technology(You may need to check the databases supported here).

SLT can be also be used for data migration from Legacy database to SAP using the inbuilt MWB framework. SLT is installed on an ABAP Stack:  Refer to the attached link for installing SLT: http://scn.sap.com/thread/3670842


As the SLT uses the SLO's MWB framework which has lots of inbuilt functionalities for data transfer monitoring and control, reprocessing the failed jobs etc..,The development effort using SLT is comparatively less as the framework takes care of majority of the work, coding is required for complex transformations.




Right tool in your case: BODS.


1)The Client doesn't have netweaver instances and TDMS, SLT requires a Netweaver instance as per my knowledge and they sit on ABAP stack.

2)You do not require any predefined content by Business Area.

3)Not sure if you want to utilize the database trigger feature of SLT


Coming to your question Client and tenant copy, Ideally one client per tenant may be a good design to segregate the data and also to enforce the security measures for data access.

I don't have much knowledge on HANA database containers..so can't answer


Hope this info helps you.






Hi Group,


I am working on IDOC to REST , when I am sending IDOC I am getting the below error in REST receiver channel can any body suggest:


I am testing IDOC to REST scenario, I am also getting same HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR , please let me know if you already got any solution:



Error Log Details:


"Exception caught by adapter framework: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to insert a node where it is not permitted. "


"Returning to application. Exception: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: org.w3c.dom.DOMException: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to insert a node where it is not permitted. "

Re: Emails with attachments cannot be send- error(Documents of this type are not allowed in your system (SO322) for attachments)


Hi Rahul,



As per your error it means that your content server is returning 401 error mesaage for the store http request coming from SAP.




Try with below points



1, Check Content repository authorization in Opentext archive Server ( Admin Client)

2. Admin Client on your Archive Server and expand Archives, select the correct archive, then go to the    Certificates tab. Make sure the certificate from SAP is enabled.

3. SAPHTTP and SAPCMS RFCs from SM59 are okay?





Br, Vaibhav

Re: Where used list -CG02


While doing where used list I am not able to change property tree under Compositions> Properties . only one property tree is defaulted .


Also what is the functionality of and , OR .


Will it search components from composition of all properties trees?

Re: Configuring List without FLUID


Hi Christopher,


If I understand your question then you want to display LIST dynamically without using FLUID.

Although I also understand you have tried GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG method as below.


*--> Adding Column to layout configuration


*--> tbl_list will contain all your columns


LOOP AT tbl_list ASSIGNING <fs_list_data>.




              iv_name               =  <fs_list_data>-fieldname             " Component name

              iv_display_type       =  |{ lv_display_type }|                " TextValue

              iv_index              =  lv_index                             " Index value

              iv_header             =  |{ <fs_list_data>-field_text }|      " To convert the type


          CLEAR lv_display_type.

        CATCH cx_fpm_configuration.



Try to add some code in GET_DEFINATION.


LOOP AT tbl_list ASSIGNING <fs_list>.                                               "all field names from config table

    APPEND INITIAL LINE TO et_field_description ASSIGNING <fs_field_description>.              "Setting table properties

    <fs_field_description>-read_only    = abap_true.

    <fs_field_description>-allow_filter = abap_true.

    <fs_field_description>-allow_sort   = abap_true.

<fs_field_description>-name = <fs_list>-fieldname.



If your code gives dump then add below code,


*--> DUMMY starts


    cust TYPE char10,

    END OF ty_s.

  DATA lt_data TYPE TABLE OF ty_s.

*--> DUMMY ends




    CATCH cx_root.

      eo_field_catalog ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_data( p_data = lt_data ).     "Adding blank dummy values to prevent dump






Esclarecimentos a respeito da Nota Tecnica 2015.002


1. Introdução

Foi publicada a Nota Técnica 2015.002 que trata de diferentes assuntos, conforme segue:


Consulta Situação da Nota Fiscal

Agora apenas serão consultadas NF-es com até 180 dias da data de emissão (6 meses). Caso seja consultada uma NF-e mais antiga, a consulta retornará uma rejeição. Na Consulta serão retornados além do XML da NF-e, os eventos de Cancelamento, Carta de Correção e EPEC. Os demais eventos não serão retornados, como os eventos da Sefaz (Manifestações, CT-e Autorizado, dentre outros). O contribuinte poderá obter alguns desses documentos no WebService de Distribuição, de acordo a tabela de disponibilização.


Código de Enquadramento Legal para IPI e ICMS

Na Nota foram definidos os valores possíveis para o Código de Enquadramento Legal no IPI. A lista completa pode ser encontrada no Anexo XIV da Nota Técnica. Além disso, foi acrescentado um motivo de desoneração do ICMS relacionado às Olimpíadas 2016.


Outras Validações

A partir da implantação da norma, o NCM informado na NF-e passará a ser validado conforme a tabela publicada pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento (MDIC). Qualquer inconsistência pode resultar em rejeição. Foi adicionada também uma validação opcional do somatório das NF-es de saída (vendas) do Emitente conforme limite anual de faturamento, de acordo com o porte da empresa.


Prazos para entrada em vigor da Nota Técnica:

  • Ambiente de Homologação (ambiente de teste das empresas): 01/10/15;
  • Ambiente de Produção, segundo a versão 1.20:
    • A implantação do novo schema XML em produção será efetuada no dia 30-nov-2015 após às 12h desse dia em todos os ambientes de autorização.
    • A implantação da nova versão da aplicação das SEFAZ autorizadoras será feita no dia 01-dez-2015 até às 12h desse dia em todos os ambientes de autorização.
    • Código de enquadramento de IPI: 01/01/2016.

2. Código de enquadramento Legal do IPI

Novos códigos estão distribuídos conforme abaixo:

→001 a 099: compatíveis com cst de imunidade

→101 a 199: compatíveis com cst de suspensão

→301 a 399: compatíveis com cst de isenção

→601 a 699: redução

→999: tributação normal; outros



Para o SPED EFD ICMS/IPI deverá sair em seguida um ajuste para o registro C170, campo 21 (COD_ENQ) tratando das alterações tratadas nesta nota técnica.


3. Solução SAP

Existem3 novas configuração entregues:


1. View J_1BAGNV -> Foi incluída a razão "16 - Olimpíadas Rio 2016" para utilização em cenários de isenção do ICMS (CST 40, 41 e 50 ) relacionadas com este evento.


2. Tabela J_1BTCENQ -> Tabela para cadastrar os códigos de enquadramento do IPI de acordo com o Anexo XIV - Código de Enquadramento Legal do IPI da NT 002 /2015.

3.  View J_1BATL2V -> Tabela para atrelar o código de enquadramento do IPI ao direito fiscal do IPI. Essa informação será mapeada para o campo cENQ do XML.


4. Novas regras de validações

Fique atendo as mudanças nas regras de validação que compreendem:


- Verificar a data de emissão da NF-e em relação a data da autorização, conforme o tipo de emissão. Idem para a verificação da data de emissão em relação à data de credenciamento do contribuinte;

- Verificar a existência do código de município na tabela do IBGE, substituindo a atual validação do dígito verificador deste código;

- Verificar se o município do emitente informado na NF-e corresponde ao cadastrado na UF. Idem para o município do destinatário;

- Aceitar a chave de acesso referenciada do documento fiscal “SAT-CF-e”, modelo 59;

- Definidos melhores controles sobre a NF-e referenciada de produtor, conforme critério da UF;

- Definidos melhores controles sobre a IE de Substituto Tributário;

- Viabilizar a operação de venda de combustível ou lubrificante a consumidor ou usuário final estabelecido em outra UF (CFOP=6.667) para a pessoa estrangeira, sem configurar exportação;

- Limitar o conjunto de caracteres que podem ser usados na identificação do destinatário estrangeiro;

- Verificar se o NCM informado no item da NF-e existe na tabela de NCM publicada pelo MDIC - Ministério do Desenvolvimento ;

- Na Nota Fiscal de entrada de devolução de mercadora, aceitar apenas o CFOP 1.949 ou 2.949, no caso de devolução de venda de consumidor final não contribuinte;

- Verificar se o Valor do Desconto informado no item da NF-e é maior do que o Valor do Produto;

- Verificar os valores possíveis para o Código de Enquadramento Legal do IPI, conforme Anexo XIV;

- Verificar os Códigos de Enquadramento Legal possíveis, conforme o CST do IPI informado;

- Verificar o Código de Regime Tributário do emitente informado na NF-e,  em relação ao Cadastro de Contribuintes da SEFAZ;

- Verificar se foi informado o CNPJ/CPF do Escritório de Contabilidade para a UF que solicitar esta informação na legislação estadual.


Para consultar detalhes em relação as validações citadas, consulte a Nota Técnica 2015.002.


Próxima thread estarei comentando com cenário da Nota Tecnica 003...




Karen Rodrigues

Re: Error in kapsel logon application while registering users


Hi Daniel Van, Good Morning.


Thank you so much !!


My issue got resolved by doing the same..


Best Regards,

Brajesh Kumar

Re: How to make fields mandatory in Message Address for Custom Notification.


There are 2 ways to make any Notification filed mandatory.

1. Configuration route:

Here Under Plant Maintenance->Maintenance and Service Processing>Maintenance & Service Notifications>Notification Creation>Notification types> Set Field selection for Notifications:

You select influencing button and your notification type then select the Radio button under Required column (against the

field you want to make mandatory)


2. User Exit Route: Through SMOD -->User Exit QQMA0014 -->Cutsomer Exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_020 -->Include ZXQQMU20.

Then put your code in this include.


Code Sample

IF i_viqmel-qmart = 'A1'.
   DATA: i_qmsm TYPE TABLE OF viqmsm.
   i_qmsm[] = t_viqmsm[].
   DELETE i_qmsm WHERE kzloesch = 'X'.
   IF i_qmsm[] IS INITIAL.
     MESSAGE ID 'IW' TYPE 'I' NUMBER 464 WITH 'Tasks'.
     RAISE exit_from_save.

(The above Code makes the 'Tasks' filling mandatory in the Notification type 'A1')


Hope this answers your query.


Jogeswara Rao


Edited by: K Jogeswara Rao on Oct 8, 2010 9:21 AM

Quality Info status column in QA32/QA33


Dear Gurus,


In one of recent requirement we received a requirement of user unable to view the Quality Info status as 1st Sample / Pilot / Regular / Self certified while clearing the Usage decision,further more they requested to show the Quality info status of the material in QA32 as an addtional column which is not currently available in standard layout.


Currently we have a Z program to view the Quality info status,I suggested the user to download the data and give as input in QA32 for which user feels it is a tiresome work daily hence requested to show in screen based on which UD can be taken by user.


Can anyone suggest a solution for the same.


Thanks in advance.



Re: Wage Type Text missing for Custom and Model WTs


Can you post details of error from function RP_ANSAL_FROM_WAGETYPES - details, error code, class, etc?  From the error, press help to give details; navigate to give you error code.  The error could be in the feature ANSAL, currency being not found or conversion error, etc.

Also in MP000800 program module, search for RP_ANSAL, it calls above function (in include MP000840).  Navigate to the function by double click on the function.  You can also navigate to the function code in txn SE37.  Then set a break point at the beginning of the function.  Then execute the error giving txn PA40 or PA30.  Then in debug mode you can find the source of the error.



Sorry I dont know how to set it.

  can you give me an example?

Re: Doubt in EDI 850



Thanks for your help. but this url is invalid.

indexserver on host hanaxxxx02 port 32003 was restarted at 2000-01-01



we have a SAP Hana 1.0 rev 84.03

after a restart we saw that in alerts details we have this High indication:


ID 4: 'Alert Restarted services'

indexserver on host hanaxxxx02 port 32003 was restarted at 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0000000.


it's very strange alert..


it's a known bug?

Re: How re-ordonnance fields in a SAP Personas Page ?



Each input field on the screen have a property called TabIndex. TAB key navigation on the screen is based on the values set for this property. You can change ths property value to use TAB key in the order you want to navigate.



Re: Error 400 in http//host:50000/sld/ds

Re: Transformation Routine




Based on your sample screenshot, can you show the FINAL values you wanted to achieve?




Re: Actual Activity Rate Calculation Issue


You can try below work around as well, Since the above workaround only works for confirmation multiples of 3 hours:


Create one more activity type with reference to the current activity type and name it as "Additional rate" or whatever name.


In KP26, put standard rate in your existing activity type and additional rate in your new activity type. While confirmation, system will pop-up both the activity types. If you use only standard hours then confirm only first activity, and if use additional hours confirm second activity as well. So system pick rates automatically from KP26.


By this way you can achieve both your above scenarios.




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